4. Digital Etiquette

Digital etiquette is defined as the standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users. In other words, Digital conduct refers to how people should behave when using the internet. It is expected that users behave in an appropriate and responsible way when using technology and it is important to teach those who do not have digital etiquette how to behave in an ethical manner.

Inappropriate conduct includes; sexual harassment, cyber bullying, verbal abuse, fraud, child pornography, racism etc. Inappropriate conduct has an effect on society as it is easier for people to behave inappropriately over the internet where they can remain anonymous. Cyberbullying causes emotional and physical stress which has leads to many suicides which has impacted negatively on society. Families are torn apart, lives are lost and money is lost as a result of inappropriate digital conduct. Sexual harassment is also another issue that impacts on society as people are left traumatized and scarred for the rest of their life

Real examples of inappropriate behaviors:

Social media has erupted following the release of a video showcasing a Cape Town schoolgirl making violent threats. The video was recorded by Laeeqah Jade Ryklief, who is reportedly 16 years old. The video was sent to a number of teens at the victim’s school. The victim is reportedly in Grade 8.     
The video, which has received thousands of views and shares, has been described by most online-commentators as outright bullying. Many commentators have also voiced concern at the state of the youth and the impact that social media has on the social-development of the next generation.
Though bullying has long been considered a problem within institutions of education globally, with social media as a platform, bullying has become more prevalent, where perpetrators are not subject to the impact their actions have on their victims. Social media can be a very dangerous space for young people who don’t normally think about the consequences of their actions.

Another real-life example of the lack of digital etiquette would be when hackers hack into people’s Facebook account posting inappropriate pictures or statuses pretending to be another person. This leads to the individuals Facebook friends developing a negative view of the person, especially when it has not been rectified online by the individual their self. This can also cause people in the society to treat the person differently and lose respect for the individual.

 Guideline for online etiquette:
  •  Make yourself look good online

Check grammar and spelling before you post. Most people judge others’ intelligence based on the use of grammar and spelling.
Only post on things you know about; it is not worth it to look like the fool.

  • Share expert knowledge

Offer answers and help others where you can.

  • Help keep flame wars under control

Don’t respond to flame-bait, do not post spelling or grammar flames, and apologise if you have done so or perpetuated a flame-war.

  • Respect other people’s privacy

Don’t give out other people’s details, online or offline.

  • Don’t abuse your power

The more power you have, the more important it is how you use it.

  • Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes

We all were once a newb (and no we do not mean noob – those who know little and have no will to learn any more).
